The best diet to lose weight is the one that is in harmony with your physiology. Your physiology has taken millions of years to get where it is now. If you work with it you won’t have a problem with your weight.
The Best Diet to Lose Weight
Going back to a time when people didn’t have shops to get their food, food wasn’t in regular supply. Sometimes there would be lots available – times of feast. Other times food would be scarce – time of famine.
During times of famine your metabolism would slow down to conserve energy, you wouldn’t burn calories unless you really needed to. These days you can re-create that physiological response by going on a diet.
In times of plenty people would be eating a diet high in fat with a good amount of protein. They wouldn’t be eating lots of carbs, and sugar would only be a seasonal thing – when fruit was on the trees.
When you eat a diet high in fat with a good amount of protein you are sending this message to your body ‘Times Are Good!’ When your body get this message it increases your metabolism and you burn more calories. You also feel better because you have more energy.
A Spanner in the Works
Eating a high fat AND a high carbohydrate diet does not help you lose weight. In fact this is a good recipe to put plenty of weight on. A combination of fat and carbs is not a natural diet for you, so your body doesn’t respond very well if you feed yourself on this, hence the weight gain.
More about this next week when I share with you a typical meal I eat, and explain the pros and cons (I’m very good, but not perfect!)
Uber Slim Online Weight Loss Program will take you through everything you need to know to achieve your ideal weight, and it’s easier than you think it is. Up to now you’ve probably been trying to do it with the wrong information. Wrong information gets wrong results. Give it a go with the right information and see the difference.
Have a fantastic week
Uber Health to you
Dr Julie
PS Thank you to Diana and Amber, and your lovely ladies, at Posh Fit for making me feel so welcome last week when I did a talk for you.
Enjoying the blogs Julie! Tried out that idea of doing short bursts of exercise throughout the day to keep metabolic rate up. It’s not shifted me off my weight plateau yet but am constantly hungry from it and tired at bedtime (when I should be!) – So something’s happening!
Thank you Neil.
Well done for making some positive changes and glad to see something is happening.
Hi Julie
I am currently reading a Fab book by an exercise scientist Professor Tim Noakes called challenging beliefs. He originally prescibed high card diets and carbo loading for endurance athletes and has since realised that this approach does not suit all and now advocates and a high fat diet. Really interesting stuff. I originally read some of his stuff on running and was really interested on his complete change of views when i heard this which is worth a listen.
Best wishes.
Hi Carla
Thanks for this. I will definitely check this info out. I think ‘carb loading’ for athletes has perhaps had it’s day!
Hi Julie, I was speaking with a lady the other day who told me her mother was one of the first people to market Weight Watchers in the UK in the 1970’s… she then went on to tell me that both she and her sisters have had eating disorders since the 1970’s as a result! I thought it was interesting and goes to show some of the dangers of the traditional ‘diet’!
Hi Steph, thanks for sharing that. In my opinion Weight Watchers is awful, if anyone sticks to it over the long-term I think they run the risk of ill health. It just doesn’t address the issue of being healthy, which is really what you need to be slim!
No thank you! for coming to talk to us – we want you back soon too – you have made a lasting impression & in such an easy way to understand
Many many thanks for your precious time Dr Uber x