weight loss plateau

Weight Loss Plateau – How To Get Off!

You’re probably well versed in the weight loss plateau if you’re a seasoned dieter. You’ve been doing really well for a while and for no immediately obvious reason you hit a weight loss plateau, your weight stays the same for a few weeks, or even a few months!

Relatively short weight loss plateaus of 2-3 weeks can be pretty normal. If they’re longer then it’s time to look at what you’re doing and make some changes.


Losing Weight Fast At The Start Is Normal

A rapid drop of about 7lb in the first week or two of a restrictive diet is pretty normal. Most of it isn’t even fat, it’s glycogen – glucose stores in your muscles and liver are being used.

On a restrictive diet you’ll also lose muscle and some fat.

This loss of muscle if one factor in your weight loss plateau, because it’s the main place you burn calories. So your weight loss will slow and probably grind to a halt even if you’re eating no more – your engine is smaller and you’re giving it the same amount of fuel.

Same Approach = Staying The Same

Once you’ve hit a weight loss plateau it’s time to reassure yourself that this is normal, and to reassess and tweak your plan.

This is an absolutely normal part of successful weight loss because as your body changes, things change!

Change the things you do if you want a different result.

Getting Off Your Weight Loss Plateau

Take a look at what you’re doing now, and think about where to make a change.

What is your activity level like? Most calories are burned in your muscles, what are you doing to tone up? My personal favourites are walking and yoga, because I enjoy them. What do you enjoy, and how can you do a little bit more?

Are you giving yourself enough time to get the sleep you need? What’s sleep got to do with weight loss? A lot!

Persistent weight loss plateaus are often the sign of your own inner resistance and blocks. This shows up as:

  • Eating when you don’t even want to be eating
  • Finding excuse after excuse (often disguised as ‘good reasons’) to not exercise
  • Saying things like “I’ll never lose weight, nothing works”

You could consider getting some coaching to uncover why you keep doing this over and over again, and then move beyond it.

Have you educated yourself about the foods that actually help you lose weight?

A great eating plan is more about including things that help, rather than focusing on everything you ‘can’t have’.

I give a few pointers about the food to include every day in this checklist.

Have a great week!

Dr Julie


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